Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

1 hit ninja saga

cheat Damage Ninja Saga Terbaru September 2011 - Kali ini saya akan mencoba salah satu che*t Ninja Saga yang infonya saya dapat dari salah satu Group Pesbuk, membernya sih bilang ini Work 100%, karena saya belum coba, silahkan anda terlebih dahulu mencicipinya :

cheat Damage Ninja Saga Terbaru September 2011


cheat Engine

Tutorialnya :

[+] buka cheat enggine 6.2
[+] buka NS mu tpi jngan di play dulu
[+] cari web yang kamu pakai
[+] pilih array of bytes
[+] scan: 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2
[+] ganti velue: 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2
[+] PLAY NS kmu
[+] ke hunting house
[+] pilih boss nya
[+] kill boss dengan jurus sma taijutsu sja
damage hingga 30000
 link cheat engine


Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Presentation of gender in Toy Story 3

FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2010

Presentation of gender in Toy Story 3

I have previously written about Pixar's lack of developed female characters (herehere, and here).  Before I dive into any sort of analysis of Toy Story 3, I am going to state what I usually do when I analyze anything people are going to get defensive about: I loved this movie; nonetheless it is still subject to criticism.  My discussion of the film is not a reflection of my dislike of it, but is rather an attempt to discuss why this movie is not perfect.

As with the other Pixar films, the presentation of gender was rather disappointing.  We're quickly presented with "this is what girls play with / this is what boys play with."  Ken is consistently shamed on being a "girl's toy."  It's played for laughs that he loves clothing, or wears Barbie's scarf.  In one scene he's tortured by having to watch his clothes be ripped apart, until he finally caves.

Once again, there's a significant lack of female characters.  According to this trivia page there are 302 characters in the movie.  A glance through the cast list shows that a little over 30 are voiced (i.e. considered major characters).  22 (not including Spanish Buzz) are male.  12 are female.  And we all know that Woody and Buzz are the main characters.  Yeah, there's Jessie, but she's not in charge, and she often defers to Buzz or Woody to tell her what to do since it's understood that as Andy's favorites, they're the leaders.

Perhaps the most obnoxious bit of sexism came from how other characters treated Mrs. Potato Head.  Voiced by the famously naggy Estelle Harris, Mrs. Potato Head yaps.  A lot.  In fact, she is the lead in the promo at the beginning of the movie advising the audience to STFU during the film.  Basically, she's talking during the movie, her phone rings, she's yapping.  Finally, Mr. Potato Head removes her mouth.  The movie is enjoyable now.

This happens a few times in the movie as well.  She's mouthing off to her captors (which I do not believe is unreasonable, since the other characters were similarly protesting their situation), and her mouth is removed.  This is a manifestation of the male desire (and apparent right) to shut up nagging women.  Her mouth isalways removed by a male, either her husband, or one of the male adversaries.  And it's supposed to be funny each time!  I mean, I know she's a Potato Head, and all the parts are removable and all, but not once does Mr. Potato Head lose his mouth privileges.  But a female character who dares interrupt men doing Important Things is silenced.  Oh the hilarity!!!

But before I am accused of being an oversensitive "you're looking too much into it" feminist, I'll share a few of my likes of the film.  One of the most touching scenes in the whole movie was of the little girl, Bonnie, playing with an assortment of toys.  She is wildly imaginative: a tea party transforms into a fight against a witch, and the only option is to escape in a spaceship.   SPOILER ALERT: the scene with Andy and Bonnie playing together was also really cute.  I was tearing up watching the two of them play.  Bonnie was really shy at first, but once Andy presented what was left of his childhood toys to her, she opened up.  I loved how the focus was on her and the toys.  And it didn't matter that all of those toys previously belonged to a boy, or that she was a girl playing with what is understood to be "boy toys."

And despite Ken being shamed for it, and despite it being played for laughs, I did still enjoy a male character with an unapologetic love of fashion.  

And Jessie is still pretty badass.  Bonus points for her being voiced by Joan Cusack..  

I also liked the scenes with the toddlers.  From the point of view of the toys, it was quite frightening, yet simultaneously funny because the kids are like monsters to them.  I mean, they're just kids, and that's how really little kids play.  But I can see how it could be doom for toys.  The audience sees a toy's perspective, following the anxieties of toys.  And now I feel really guilty about donating those boxes of toys last month...

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Menambahkan informasi pada System Properties

Menambahkan informasi pada System Properties
Saat Anda mengklik icon System pada Control Panel atau menekan tombol WinKey + Pause maka akan muncul kotak dialog System Properties. Di sana terdapat beberapa informasi mengenai komputer dan Windows Anda. Tapi tahukan Anda bahwa Anda bisa menampilkan gambar atau informasi pada System Properites ? Dengan tips di bawah ini Anda dapat dengan mudah melakukannya.

Caranya bikin file oeminfo.ini ke C:\Windows\System untuk Win 95/98 atau ke C:\Winnt\System32 untuk Windows NT. Adapun isi dari file oeminfo.ini adalah sebagai berikut :
Manufacturer=Komputer Rakitan
Model=Model Baru

[Support Information]
Line1=Ini baris pertama
Line2=Baris kedua
Line3=Silakan diisi dengan
Line4=text apa saja

Anda bisa mengganti tulisan yg terletak di sebelah kanan tanda sama dengan (=), dengan teks Anda sendiri. Anda bisa membuat baris sebanyak-banyaknya, dengan "menaikkan" angka di atas.
Untuk menambahkan image, bikin file bernama oemlogo.bmp dengan ukuran 180x114.
Untuk memudahkan Anda, kami menyediakan file oeminfo.ini dan oemlogo.bmp untuk didownload. Setelah itu edit file tersebut sesuai keinginan Anda dan copy-kan ke folder yang telah ditentukan.
Download File

how to hack facebook account, friendster and online games

I give this remedy how to hack games online or accounts of people with a keylogger douglas,
In this way based on my own experience and in this way ......... s looked pretty effective ....
want to know how ....
let's start, but do not be misused ya ... hehe

Douglas 1.pertama installed keyloger download here at the cafe or friends computer, but do not
get caught ... if caught responsibilities own risk ....
but your computer will not install keylogger computer mounted deepfreeze ..
Ntar keyloggernya ga installed ....

2.nah computer if there are potential victims deepfreezenya mejebol password ... you must first have the software .. ane nih .... here ....

3.after bored with deepfreeze let us go ....
you also have to mempassword keylogger you, the way .... when you install keyloggernya, it will appear the windows to memeberikan keyloggernya password ...

4.yap now keylogger has been installed, then you have to do is, wait for the victim to use a computer that you attach keyloggernya ....

5.after the victim to go now you go back and .... you have to press a key combination that is (ctrl + shift + alt + F9) you will see several menus, you must select the read information, and enter your password ...
plasticity deh ama username pwordnya ...
6. you are now logged in with an account of the victim, then change their password ...

finished ...

at own risk ....

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Cheat Ninja Saga di facebook

 Cheat Ninja Saga di facebook
Posting ini beredar sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu,dan saya masih kurang tau coz gara-gara kesibukan yang melanda,jadi saya kurang mengetahui teknik ini masih berjalan ato nggak,
tetapi dari tutorial nya dan penggunaan tool nya ,ada kemungkinan teknik ini bisa dilakukan ,mengingat jarang orang yang tahu tentang ini,dan teknik ini belum lama beredar.oke langsung aja,bagi kalian yang suka maen Ninja Saga di Facebook ,game yang mengadopsi dari manga naruto ini,silahkan di coba dan sharing disini ok

saya saran kan terlebih dahulu jangan terlalu sering menggunakan cheat atau telalu nafsu untuk mendapatkan uang yang terlalu banyak,coz saya yakin acc kalian bakal di banned

oke langsung aja

cari tools nya di google:tools yang dibutuhkan:

charles proxy

buka charles proxy
login ke ninja saga
start mission ,disarankan misi dengan musuh yang mulpitle
setiap kali kalian membunuh musuh ,kalian mendapatkan gold
lihat lagi charles lalu expand
setelah itu cari '(CharacterDAO.updateGold)'
klik kanan lalu pilih 'Repeat Advanced'
Iterations = 100,000 dan concurrency = 5
lakukan step diatas pada setiap CharacterDAO.updateGold yang kamu temukan di charles
coba refresh ,dan coin bkal menambah

selamat mencoba

Cara mendapatkan Chip Poker Texas Hold'em Poker Gratis

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan Chip Poker Texas Hold'em Poker ?

Memang game yang satu ini membuat para cowok cowok yang ketagihan untuk bermainnya, tapi sayang untuk bermain game ini kita membutuhkan yang namanya chips, dan chips ini sangat mahal apalagi kita minta ke provider gamenya perbandinganya begini 150 dollar untuk 5 M chips.
Mahal gak...
Tapi tenang, untuk mendapatkan chip gratis itu ternyata gampang - gampang susah.

1. Masuk aja ke game Poker
2. Setelah itu scrool ke paling bawah,,,
3. Disitu ada tulisan instal these app to get free chips
4.Instal aplikasinya dengan klik 2 kali
5. Kembali ke Texax holdem
6. Dapatkan Chips gratis 1k alias 1000 chips...
7. Kembali bermain dan gunakan chips gratis tersebut.

Memang sech, chips tersebut gak bisa main di meja 1 M, ya...
teman teman harus bisa memainkan chips sehingga anda bisa memainkan meja 1 M.
Selamat bermain.... 

Updated: Oktober 14, 2010